Crosswalk: Previous versus New ECU Birth through Grade 3 Standards
General Information about this Revision:
- Change in format to mirror INTASC standards format aligned with new professional educator standards.
- The term "Leamer" is defined as all children including those with disabilities or exceptionalities, who are gifted, and students who represent diversity based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, language, religion and geographic origin.
- More emphasis on identifying with and engaging in the early childhood profession (Standard 7 and Standard 8)
- Reduced number of standards from 13 to 8. Previous standards 8-13 are content specific. In the new standards the content is Integrated across Standards 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Previous standard groupings were reorganized by topic so there is not a 1 to 1 correlation of standard to standard. However, all parts of the old standards are represented in the new organization.
( 1 ) The birth through 3rd grade teacher understands and respects families as the primary decision-maker for general education and exceptional students and assures that services are family-focused and culturally sensitive. Best aligns with the following Standards (S) and Functions (F) in the new standards. S1– F2; S2-F1, F2, F3; S4- F3; S6- F1; S7- F2, F3; S8- F1 | Standard 1. Child Development and Learning: Candidates prepared in early childhood unified degree programs are grounded in child development knowledge base. They understand and value learner differences. They use their understanding of young children's development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for each learner. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicator:
(2) The birth through third grade teacher meets the unique needs of general education and exceptional students and families within communities. Best aligns with the following Standards (S) and Functions (F) in the new standards. S2- F2, F3; S4- F3; S5- F1; S7- F3; S8-F5 | Standard 2. Content knowledge: Candidates understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
(3) The birth through 3rd grade teacher possesses a high level of professional skills and knowledge about how general education and exceptional students develop and learn. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F1, F2: S2- F2; S3- F1; S6- F1; S7- F2, F3 | Standard 3. Application of Content Knowledge: Candidates understand how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
4) The birth through third grade teacher uses a variety of informal and formal assessment strategies in collaboration with other professionals and family members to plan and individualize curriculum, instruction, interventions, and transitions for general education and exceptional students. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F1, F2; S4- F1, F2, F3 | Standard 4. Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Learners and Families: Candidates prepared in early childhood B - G3 degrees programs understand that child observation, documentation, and other forms of assessment are central to the practices of all early childhood professionals. They know about and understand the goals, benefits, and use of assessments. They know about and use systematic observations, documentation, and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence the development of each and every learner. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
(5) The birth through third grade teacher establishes, maintains, and promotes physically, psychologically safe and healthy learning for general education and exceptional students in their natural environments (home, community and/or school). Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1– F1, F3 | Standard 5 Planning for instruction: Candidates prepared in early childhood B-G3 degree programs use their knowledge of pre-academic/ academic disciplines to design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for every learner. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
(6) The birth through third grade teacher collaborates with the family and other professionals to design a developmentally appropriate and researched-based curriculum that meets the unique needs, capabilities, and interests of general education and exceptional students. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F1, F3; S2- F1; S3- F1; S5- F1; S6- F1; S8- F 1 | Standard 6 Using Developmentally Effective Strategies: Candidates in early childhood B-G3 degree programs understand that teaching and learning with young learners is a complex enterprise, and its details vary depending on learners’ ages, characteristics, and the setting within which teachers and learning occur. Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of developmentally appropriate approaches, instructional strategies and tools to connect learners and families and positively influence each and every learner’s development and learning. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
(7) The birth through third grade teacher has experiences in varied settings. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S2- F1; S4- F1; S5- F1; S6- F1; S8- F1 | Standard 7 Professional and Ethical Practice: Candidates prepared in early childhood B - G3 degree programs identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledge, reflective and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies. | Additions to: Content Knowledge indicators:
Professional Skills indicators:
(8) The birth through third grade teacher demonstrates a high level of competence in use of the English language arts and knows, understands and uses concepts from emerging literacy, reading, language and child development to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills, and to help all students successfully apply their developing literacy skills to many different situations, materials, and ideas. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1-F3; S2- F1, F2, F3; S3- F1; S4-F1, F2, F3; S5- F1; S6- F1 | Standard 8 Leadership and Collaboration: Candidates prepared in early childhood B-G3 degree programs understand that successful early childhood education depends upon collaborative partnerships. They know about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteristics of learners’ families and communities and respect families as the primary decision-maker for the learners. They use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal, and culturally sensitive relationships that support and empower families, and to involve all families in their learners’ development and learning. | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies |
(9) The birth through third grade teacher knows, understands, and uses the major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes of mathematics that define numbers and operations, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability, and algebra so that all students understand relationships that can represent phenomena, solve problems, and manage data. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F3; S2- F1, F2, F3; S3- F1; S4- F1, F2, F3; S5- F1; S6- F1 | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies | |
(10) The birth through thi subjectrd grade teacher knows, understands, and uses fundamental concepts in the subject matter of science--including physical, life, and earth and space sciences--as well as concepts in science and technology, science in personal and social perspectives, the history and nature of science, the unifying concepts of science, and the inquiry processes scientists use in discovery of new knowledge to build a base for scientific and technological literacy for all students. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F3; S2- F1, F2, F3; S3- F1; S4- F1, F2, F3; S5- F1; S6- F1 | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies | |
(11) The birth through third grade teacher knows, understands, and uses the major concepts and modes of inquiry from social studies--the integrated study of history, geography, the social sciences, and other related areas-- to promote all students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S2- F1, F2, F3; S3 -F1; S4- F1, F2, F3; S5- F1; S6- F1 | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies | |
(12) The birth through third grade teacher can design, implement, and evaluate arts experiences that are developmentally appropriate, meaningful and challenging for all students, that lead to positive learning outcomes, and the develop positive dispositions towards artistic explorations and expression. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S2- F1, F2, F3; S3- F1; S4- F1, F2, F3; S5 -F1; S6- F1 | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies | |
(13) The birth through third grade teacher knows, understands, and uses the major concept of health education and human movements and physical activity as central elements to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for all students. Best aligns with the following standards (S) and functions (F) in the new standards. S1- F3; S2- F1, F2, F3; S3- F1; S4- F1, F2, F3; S5-F1; S6- F1; S7- F1 | In the new standards the content is integrated across several Standards. Standard 2: Content Knowledge Standard 3: Application of Content Knowledge Standard 4: Assessment Standard 5: Planning for Instruction Standard 6: Using Developmentally Effective Strategies |